Patiently, I will wait.

Book Review: River of Summer
Thursday, January 12, 2012 ( 5:41 AM )| 4 comment(s) dropped

O gosh. I can't think straight because of those blooooody tests I went through. As you can see, I have a "100 book challenge in 2012". I borrowed some books from my friends, one of them is the "River of Summer". I thought it was a cool story but I was a bit disappointed when I read it. I realized that I was too young to read the novel. Well, i continued reading it anyway. The story is not that boring..It just revolves around family issues and adult love story, which I did not like. I'm not used to reading Adult love stories. I like cliche stories more. Jk. I like teen romance. Anyway, this novel is way TOOOO smutty for a 16 year old. And yes, i had the courage to finish it, anyway. Ha! And I can't think of a better book review because I wasn't amazed in a way. I guess the best part about this novel is the adventure they went through. And some stuffs like, divorce, abortion... and how they managed to get through it, somehow. It made my head go loco! Gahhhhh. I hated both protagonists here. The girl was tooo kind to her family to the point that she forgot to take care of herself. She even sacrificed love just to make her mother come out of their house. Really. And the dude! God. He's always lying and stuff. I would pretty much be offended if someone did that to me. He's crazy. All in all, i do not recommend you to read this unless you are mature enough, or open minded to swallow certain scenes here. Jk. Nah, read it if you liek.

Anyway, so, I'm reading "Breaking Dawn" right now. I'm done with Bella's point of view. I'm currently on Book 2..which is Jacob's POV. Bella is so aggressive. K. That is all I can say. Anyway! Off Topic: The cosplay thing.. It turned out that I'll get to cosplay sooner than I've expected. Yay! Haruhi first~! That's all I can say for now. Please pray for the quick recovery of my saneness. Oh please! Sanity, come baaaaaack!

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2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Bee has read 36 books toward her goal of 100 books.

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Let's be haaappyyyy.Konnichiwa~Last day of vacation.Waaa. It's 2012!It's been years!I MISS SHOPPING.GRABEEEEEE. D:Adventureee~New bloggu~

Bethany, also known as Bee, is a Communication Arts student at Tarlac State University. She is a 17-year-old bookworm babe. She enjoys reading as much as she enjoys breathing. Fashion, music and food makes her world go round.

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